Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter, Braylen!!

Braylen was disappointed that it was too cold to hunt eggs outside, but she had fun all the same looking for them and a few big items in the house. She had 25 eggs to find, a ballerina basket with Smarties, M&M's, and a pink Bible, a BIG basket full of outside fun things and Charlotte's Web DVD and Wilber doll. It was fun to watch her go and to see her excited face with each new thing she hunted!!

After the hunt was over, Braylen brought me an Empty Egg and told me that I won the bestest egg ever! I opened it and saw that it was empty. She said, "Mommy, it is empty just like the tomb on Easter morning because Jesus isn't dead anymore, He is ALIVE and that is the bestest gift ever!!" I always worry when we celebrate Easter with eggs and Christmas with Santa that she will miss the real meaning, but this was proof that she got it!! I pray she always does!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

There's nothing that makes my heart smile more than a child sharing the joy of Jesus! Yeah, Braylen, for listening to these very important stories!

Brad - I sure hope you get to feeling better soon. You all sure are having a tough time right now. We're praying for you all!

Carmen - hope you're still feeling better and better every day!

PS: Love, love, love those ballerina baskets! Where did you find them?