Monday, December 29, 2008


Missing: A much loved Teddy Bear

Description: Lavendar color, a little dirty from lots of lovins, shaggy hair, pink nose, black eyes, about 12 inches tall
Lost on Christmas Day and a little almond eyed girl cannot go to sleep without him. If you have any information leading to the rescue of this little bear, please contact Mommy and Daddy right away!! There is a reward for finding it!!!
FOUND: A very much loved Bear and his owner reunite!!!!! It was found in the bottom of a trash bag in a box with Christmas wrap. Too bad he wasn't found before a sleepless night for all, but a good nap was had that afternoon!!!!


Keetha Broyles said...

Awwwwww !!!!

Hubby has a scruffy teddy bear left over from his childhood, and he would cry if I threw it away too!!!

Carrie Anderson said...

I remember the days no one in the home slept if my blankie was missing. I still love that thing. Never, never get rid of that bear!!! It will be a memory forever. It would make a beautiful shadow box art project when she's "done" loving on in--if that ever comes....

Hummel Family said...

Oh, we understand the pain of it all! Jakobi has a tag blanket that he lost at the zoo!!! Thankfully his great g'ma had extra fabric and made him an identical one!

Carrie: I remember that blankie!!!!! It was a soft pink, right? Did it have satin edging? I remember there was something on it that you loved touching. I always wondered why I didn't have a blankie to love on! :)

Brad, Carmen, Braylen and Alea Fleck said...

Yes, JoEllen, it was soft pink with satin edging. She would rub the satin!!!! You have a great memory :)

Mandy Lloyd said...

so I'm so glad you found it! We lost mya's one time. We had to buy another one after about a week we found one and had to pay 4 times the regular cost. It was worth it though:) it wasn't the same for awhile, but eventually it got broke in too!