Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Mama Bev's Rocking Chair

Yesterday we received yet another package from Taiwan! This time it was things from Ted and Bev. They sent us clothing that Alea had come to them with. They also sent a Chinese New Testament, her hospital bracelet and a bag the hospital gave them. We were so grateful to receive these things! It is amazing how much of Alea's heritage we have already! They also sent the following that I had to share with you. It was written by Bev about her rocking chair.

Mama Bev's Rocking Chair

It isn't a very big chair. It doesn't have arm rests. It was brand new back in 1973. It folds up when not in use which is pretty much never. It has a slanted back that just fits me. The seat is only about two feet from the floor and that is perfect for me since I am quite short legged. It has been spit on, vomited on, and wet on, but it doesn't care.

As I sit in my rocking chair, I often sing a song that I half made up, "Rock a bye baby in the treetop. When the wind blows they cradle will rock. When the cradle rocks the baby will sleep. Sleep soundly my baby for Jesus to keep." Usually the baby's little eyes begin to close. The song I sing the most frequently is "Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong, they are weak, but He is strong. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me so." When I care for the sweet little babies that song is sung hundreds of times. Why? Because that is the message that any child I have ever rocked needs to know. We are weak, but Jesus is strong.

My rocking chair and I rock together. It soothes me and my sweet babies at the same time. When I hold feverish sick babies it helps them feel better.

My rocking chair has many stories to tell about the babies that have been rocked in it. They were little and big, fat and skinny. Each one needed a special loving touch and cuddle. God allowed me to be the one to give that love and snuggle.

I never get tired of kissing babies, their soft little skin. They put their faces up next to mine and I give them a peck on the cheek. I always say, "God loves you and Mama Bev loves you, too." Maybe you were one of those precious babies I have rocked.

A few years ago a little eight month old baby boy came to our home. He did not know me and he was afraid of me. I rocked him. It did no good. I tried to feed him. It did no good. I walked the floor with him and he still cried. I said, "God, you calmed the storm and this little guy feels like he's in the middle of a storm. I've done all I can to quiet him and nothign has worked. Could you please calm him down? " I had no more than finished praying when the little guy laid his head on my shoulder and went right to sleep. God is so good. I call that "My God calming the baby miracle."

Then there was the little sweet bundle we found at our front door about 1 a.m. one morning. It was cold. SHe was nice and clean and wrapped in a heavy blanket. Papa Ted brought her into the house. She was so sweet and cuddly. She was about one month old, we guessed. I fed her and rocked her adn then we laid down on the couch together. After some crying she snuggled into my arms and fell asleep. That was our routine for several months until she got settled.

Lots of times as I sit in my rocking chair I play with the babies. They love to bounce up and down and fly like an airplane. As I kiss them on their neck they usually come out with a great big giggle. I have a wall hanging which says, "My day is complete. I heard a child laugh." I love that sound!

My rocking chair hears lots of crying. It doesn't care. We just rock away and try to make our little angel happier. We often listen to Christian music to set the mood. We just keep singing and rocking.

My rocking chair is ordinary, but to Mama Bev it is very, very special. God gave it to me so I can use it to bless others. The Bible says in Colossians 3:23, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men." As I rock sweet babies I imagine I am also getting to rock sweet Baby Jesus. I thank God for the privilege.

We are commanded to love one another and to share the love of Christ with others. I think Mama Bev takes that command seriously. We are so thankful that she loved on our sweet Alea until we could bring her home. She loves some of the "least of these" and as she does, she loves her Saviour over and over again. Think about that!!


Jennifer said...

What a beautiful story -- enough to bring tears, that's for sure. Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas. Your nativity story is AWESOME -- I love that Santa brought the pieces throughout the Christmas season. Can't believe how much hair Alea is getting. Both girls are growing up so fast! Take care!

Hummel Family said...

Goosebumps! I love Bev's letter! God put the RIGHT person in charge of these precious babies!