Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Carmen Needs....

So, I googled "Carmen Needs" and here are the top 10 things I need according to Google!!!

1. Carmen needs watchdeer
2. Carmen needs the loo
3. Carmen needs excitement
4. Carmen needs to go
5. Carmen needs to let me sleep (I LOVE THIS ONE!!!!!)
6. Carmen needs more (SLEEP, anyone???)
7. Carmen needs our prayers
8. Carmen needs at least 86 points
9. Carmen needs a forever home (Ok...when I saw this one, I couldn't believe it!!! Anyone who knows me well, knows I am PASSIONATE about adoption and finding kids a forever home, so I had to open the link and it is for a DOG!!! Anyone who knows me well also knows I HATE dogs!!!)
10. Carmen needs friends and help finding herself

Try it, it is FUN!!!


Jennifer said...

Okay, what is that helmet on Alea's head. It cracks me up! She's such a cutie-patootie!

Bring on spring!!!

Brad, Carmen, Braylen and Alea Fleck said...

The helmet is Braylen's baseball batting helmet!! Ha!! I agree she is sooo stinkin' cute :)