Friday, June 27, 2008

Catchin' Fireflies

I remember so well being a child and living for evening to arrive so I could catch lightening bugs and fill a canning jar. I would gather as many as I could and put them in my bedroom to light up my room all night long. I would be devestated in the morning when they were all dead. Well, we have a bug catcher full of lightening bugs in our house tonight. We'll see if they make it through the night! It was fun watching Braylen catch them! Oh to be a child again!!!


Keetha Broyles said...

Yes I too remember catching fireflies as a kid. BUT we did NOT have those cute little bug catcher kits!!! We just had to use our hands and a glass jar!

dodolo said...

Dear Alea’s father and mother:
Thank you
You are very kind
Your blog
Let us know
Alea’s have a happy life
Alea’s have a love her father and mother and sister
Thank you very much
Because your kindness and love
Let us know
God is very kind
Thank you so much

God bless you

Alea’s birthmother sister sophi

dodolo said...

Dear Alea’s father and mother:
Thank you
You are very kind
Your blog
Let us know
Alea have a happy life
Alea have a love her father and mother and sister
Thank you very much
Because your kindness and love
Let us know
God is very kind
Thank you so much

God bless you

Alea’s birthmother sister sophi

Anonymous said...

You are suppose to let them go after the kids fall asleep! ;)

I love lightning bugs. We turned out all the lights in Elijah's room and then flashed a flashlight and the bugs flashed back! You have to try it, but please promise me that you will let them go before morning...

;) Ami