Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Miss Crabby Pants

Alea has been Miss Crabby Pants lately! She hasn't eaten or slept well at all. She is fussy and wants her own way all the time. We haven't known if it was terrible twos or sickness. Well, this morning, she woke with a fever and we headed off to the doctor. She has another double ear infection and sore throat (strep test came back negative). She has had a dose of the pink stuff, tylenol and is fast asleep now. Maybe she'll bounce back to Miss Happy Pants soon!!


Carrie Anderson said...

Sweet LeLe, I love you! Hope you feel better soon.

Carrie Anderson said...

are the happy pants back yet?

Brad, Carmen, Braylen and Alea Fleck said...

Yes, Carrie, she is much happier now, although today has been high maintenance. I am sure a lot of that has to do with the fact that I have been on a clean out the closet kick today and haven't spent much time with her. I have the PERFECT picture to update with and will later today!!!