Saturday, September 29, 2007


Here are some pictures of Alea. She is doing really well now that she is on Zantac. One night last week we forgot to give her the medicine and she woke up screaming in the night! We gave her the meds then and rocked her to sleep. We were wondering if the acid reflux diagnosis was correct, and now we both feel confident it is. She has been eating MUCH, MUCH, MUCH better! She has even had a few bowel movements on her own without Miralax! We have seen a much happier baby and a less shy baby! She has been going to others more often. She LOVED playing with Papaw Weaver on Friday during our garage sale. He was a lifesavor on Friday. I don't know what I would have done with Alea during the sale had he not been here! We were very busy and he played with her all morning for me! I think he liked the fact that she only wanted him!!!

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