Friday, October 30, 2009

Hospital Visit

Yesterday afternoon, Alea was coughing so much, she was turning blue. I called our

pediatrician and he was out for the afternoon. I scheduled an app't for this morning. She continued to get worse, so I took her to the ER. Brad met us in there. After 5 hours, a chest x-ray, influenza swab and a breathing treatment, they diagnosed her with bronchitus. They gave her a double dose of antibiotic and a dose of Robitussin AC and told us she would look and act a lot better in the morning. They said that since she had been on the Amoxicilian all week for ear infection, that probably had kept it from turning into pnemonia! We came home and Alea slept all night long! The first time in over a week! She does look so much better today--it's unbelievable! She has 3 more days of meds and hopefully this will be a thing of the past! We are continuing with breathing treatments every 4 hours and Robitussin as needed.

Right now, Brad is at the dr, probably will come home with the same diagnosis! He has been coughing for a few days now and it's getting worse. I had this 2 weeks ago. Did not go to the dr., got over it on my own. So far, Brittany and Braylen are ok--hoping it stays that way!

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