Monday, August 03, 2009

Lions and Tigers and BEARS Oh My!!!

We saw a total of 11 black bears in Gatlinburg, TN this past week!!! We saw 3 mama bears and 8 babies on 3 different occasions!!!!! Our first day, we went on a motor trail and saw a mama and 3 babies!!! She was right on the side of the road, but the babies were so small, they didn't show up in the pictures. The next time, we saw a BIG mama bear and 2 larger cubs right outside our chalet!!! I heard a tree moving, watched and then Brad spotted the bears! They were about 30 feet from us! It was sooooo cool. On our last evening in Tenn. we were coming home from dinner and saw a mother and 3 cubs cross the street right in front of us! It was dusk, so our pictures are dark! We couldn't believe it! We have been to Gatlinburg 4 times and this is the first we have seen bears and lots of them! It was amazing. I LOVE the picture of the girls looking out the back window at the bears! They were close to the car, so I freaked out and made them stay inside!! Of course Brad was out and about trying to get closer to them!!


Keetha Broyles said...

I LOVE that you saw bears - - - these are WONDERFUL sightings.

SHAME on Brad for getting out of the car - - - bears aren't pets. They can turn on you, especially a mama with her cubs, or a mean old papa.

Next time, PLEASE stay in the car.

Jennifer said...

You got lots of "ooohs" and "aaaahs" out of us on this post. How coooool!!! The only live bears I've seen have been at the zoo!

Here is Rick's words of wisdom to Brad ... you don't have to out run the bears, you just have to out run your friends. (Nice advice, huh?)