Thursday, September 04, 2008

Celebrating with Friends

Our great friends, Rick and Jennifer just got their referral for a BEAUTIFUL baby girl in China! You can read all about it at their blog:

Also, we are thrilled to be walking along side our good friends Dan and Megan as they adopt their precious daughter, Avery from Taiwan (same orphanage as Alea!) You can follow their adoption journey here:

We love adoption! It has been such a blessing to our lives and we love rejoicing with friends who are experiencing the same miracle!! There are no words to describe the miracle of adoption, but we love fellowshipping with others who totally understand!


Sarah said...

Woah woah! You know Jennifer? Do you know that she used to babysit me, and apparently my sister and I we were pretty good at giving her a hard time about going to bed? :)

Awaiting Avery said...

You have been such a blessing to Dan and I. Thank you!