Monday, March 24, 2008

The Story of Easter

Saturday evening we wanted to emphasize why the next day we were going to where our pretty Easter dresses and go to church and celebrate with family. It is because we are celebrating what our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ did for us. He died on the cross and rose again so that we may have life everlasting. Here is how we told the story to the girls....

Jesus came riding into town on a donkey. Can you make the trotting sound like a donkey?

When the people saw Jesus coming, they waved palm branches

Can you wave your hands like a palm branch?

The people shouted "Hosanna!!" which means Jesus save us now!

Later that night after a special meal with his disciples, Jesus and a few of his disciples went to the garden to pray.
But the disciples fell asleep. Can you go to sleep??
Later that night, the soldiers came and took Jesus. They were mean to him. They hit him and spit on him. It was a very sad night. Jesus died on the cross. He died so that all of us could go to Heaven with him someday if we trust and accept his great gift.
After Jesus died, they took his body down off the cross and they laid him in a tomb (we pretended the dough was the tomb and the marshmallow was Jesus).
Can you put Jesus in the tomb?
Then they rolled a great big stone in front of the tomb. Let's roll our tombs and put them on the baking sheet.
Mommy is going to put these in the oven and we will find out what happens after Jesus was in the tomb for 3 days. What do you think will happen???
On the third day, early in the morning, some ladies went to the tomb to put perfume on Jesus' body and when they got there, the stone was rolled away!!!

Can you roll your stone away? Unroll the bread.
Where is Jesus? He wasn't in there! There was an angel that told the ladies that Jesus was ALIVE!! He wasn't dead anymore! Where is you Jesus? He is gone!!!!
JESUS IS ALIVE!!! He is now back in Heaven!!!!


MOM2_4 said...

GREAT illistration. I have seen the story, but haven't taken the time to make the rolls - need them to be from scratch and time is always a thing... maybe next year we can do this as part of the Easter outreach... hummmmm....


Anonymous said...

Great idea! What a fun way to explain such a special day!

The girls looked beautiful in their dresses also! Sandi