Saturday, June 23, 2007

Our Girls

Today we hung around home and were quite lazy!! It rained all day and Braylen was disappointed she couldn't play outside. We let her play on the front porch and she started blowing bubbles. This drew Alea's attention and you'll see them interacting through the front door together! Alea is pulling her self up all the time. Here is a picture of her standing waving at the camera (sorry the picture is blurry--for some reason the flash didn't go off, but I thought it was cute!!). We were suppossed to all go to Aunt Shelley's tonight, but Alea isn't feeling well. We don't know what is wrong other than a cough and runny nose and just a fussy baby. She didn't sleep well last night or today at all, so I stayed home with her and have just now gotten her down for a "nap" at 6:45 p.m.!! I will wake her in an hour and let her play for a bit and then get her down for the night. She should be hungry when she wakes because she hasn't eaten much at all today.

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