Thursday, November 02, 2006

Resting in Your Prayers

We want to thank everyone who is praying for us right now. Yesterday morning a good friend of mine called and told me she couldn't sleep from 2-4 a.m. so she prayed for us and Alea during that time. Those were the two hours I was able to sleep. Thank you, Noelle. Our email boxes and answering machine has been full of encouragement and committment of prayers. We have a peace we cannot understand or describe. We know we are being carried by the prayers of others and we will rest in that peace at this time.

Thank you to all who are helping care for Braylen during this emotional time. We are praying for a miracle. We know that God has already made the match and we pray it is us with Alea. Pray that the miracle comes home with us. And that if it doesn't God will help us pick up the pieces.

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