Today we heard a plane that sounded like it was circling our property and flying low. We investigated and this is what we found:
The girls were in awe (as was mommy) on how low he was flying. It seemed at times he was going to plow right into our house! There was once I went out on the porch to catch a picture and I ducked because I thought I would be hit!!!! I am sure I shouldn't have been out having chemicals poured on me, but I needed a picture! The girls were safe inside, though!! Alea kept saying, "Looky!! Uh-oh!!" It was so cute. She had a face that looked like that plane should be in a lot of trouble!! It was cute. Braylen was a tad scared at first, but realized he was going up just in time!!
I just realized that three weeks from today, my baby will be going to Kindergarten!!!!! Can it really be time for school to start already? Didn't we just bring her home from Kazakhstan like yesterday? This can't be happening already. This is the day I have dreaded since the first time I held her. I know it sounds so crazy, but I know from teaching experience that once they start school, they grow up so fast.
Today Mamaw and Kiki came to our house for a swim party! It was a HOT day (90 degrees) and perfect weather for swimming! We swam, ate lunch, chased butterflies and swam some more. Alea has learned to swim on her own with a life vest on. The vest is too big. We have it tied in the back, but she LOVES being independant like Big Sister!!
Last night we took the girls and a friend to Build a Bear. The girls had fun eating Chicken Critters at Texas Roadhouse, choosing their bear, stuffing the bear, washing the bear, naming their bear and choosing an outfit. They then played in a little play area in the mall. They had a great time!!